The company strives for a fully sustainable supply chain. Not only our company's sustainability is important, but also our suppliers, customers...
The company actively works on reducing the waste generated by the organization (through its activities and/or through its products brought to market)
Transportation/mobility is organized in the most possible sustainable way (e.g. commuting to work, product distribution, courrier services, sales business...)
I am aware of the different types of CO2 emissions (scope 1, 2 & 3).
When making financial decisions, the environmental and social impact of the decision is considered alongside business profit.
Employees/Management have KPIs on sustainability (e.g. CO2-emission, number of burnouts...).
Sustainability is part of the company's multi-year strategy.
The confidential advisor within the organisation is clearly communicated to all employees.
The company's HR processes take into account fair and equitable treatment of people with different backgrounds and beliefs.
The management team is an accurate reflection of society (ethnicity, gender...)